Monday, February 28, 2011

Peom 回文诗

"西想又東想 想東又想西"
"迷迷又糊糊 糊糊又迷迷"

If this peom is not created by anyone then i hope to claim it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Loving one self

What it takes to love one self?
Understand your desire and needs?
Giving yourself the best, with or without regards to anyone connected to you in your life?

I did mention before in one of my friend's query to what life is consider simple, and my answer would be a solitary life with no connection or commitment to what so ever, this should be the simplest life in the world.

In some point of view, my answer to loving one self the most is to live that simple life and give yourself the best that you have.

1:27 Singapore time

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Humans are visual creatures

Have anyone of you thought about this in your mind? Are humans visual creature? Could we live without eyeing anything beautiful or unique in sight?

From my understanding and gathering so far, majority of us humans are visual creatures, and we could not live without eyeing anything beautiful or unique in sight. This is something that all of us should know.

The next time you catch your partner eyeing someone in the vicinity, please do forgive your partner for doing it as it is part of human nature and curiosity to do it.