Friday, October 21, 2011

Growth Rate(Maturity Rate)

Is there a growth rate/maturity rate for us? How do we measure it? By the number of times that person break down and stand up from it? Or by the number of times a person experience something new? How could we really measure how much have a person really learn in his/her time of life? Could a person's maturity be respective to how old they look?

This thoughts just came to my mind this very morning.

We humans would always say to kids that "You will know when you grow up", so when will this day come?

Currently there is no medical/scientific way to measure it from what I know, but have anyone really thought of a way to measure it?

There are times when kids who are more thoughtful and caring than their parents, is this a sign of maturity?

My assumptions have been, maturity is always measured by a persons life experience with the society. If a person is sensitive and thoughtful in many ways, his/her rate towards maturity will be faster as they would put themselves in other's shoes and try learn from it. The tougher the situation/life is, the more they will learn from it.

Anyone with other thoughts? Please do enlighten me.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Life with Secrets

Many of you could have suddenly wonder about "I do not know that person sitting, eating or sleeping next to me". Uh oh~! That might sound like a big trouble to
all relationship, especially marriage. What could you do at this point? Nothing.

Everyone has their rights to have secrets of their own. I bet the person sitting next to you on the public transport do have his/her own secret that he/she hardly tell anyone.

Some people have their own secrets so that they could carry on their everyday life in the society, others might have secrets because they need it just to help other's survive.

Secrets, who can live without it?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Boundaries, Limits, Rules

Most people are so tied up by these 3 things in their life. What are the 3 above mention things for? Why are they there? Most of the 3 things are there to keep us in order and so we could be make sure that we are safe from harm, but are these 3 things good for us, you might wonder. I have been wondering it for some time and still have not come to a conclusion.

Most famous or infamous people got their name on charts, records or history, because they have broken one or more of the above mention 3 things. With this concept in mind, would it be better if we live our life breaking one or 2 of those 3 things, so that we could evolve further?

Watching TV series "Fringe", understanding fringe science. It seems to break our human limits and give us some more information that we could learn and evolve from. Is that not good in some ways? (There truly are things that we can and cannot do, but if we do not try and move further, grabbing more information, we would not know if it is good or bad, thus staying stagnant and not moving on)

Super Cool Makeup Competition

Face Off

It is a TV program, featuring special effects makeup.

12 people in the industry and there to compete with their skills for USD10,000 and a set of alcone makeup. Sounds totally cool~!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Relationship, Orgasm, Love

You all would think that this is a topic that revolves around my life about the things listed on the title of this post? Nah.... You all are wrong.

I have been having thoughts lately on what would be consider a great relationship and how that this relates to the orgasms you have. Let me first sound of that this are just my concepts and are not base on any research or studies, so let's get started with what I have came up.

First thing first, I believe most women in the world would have complain that men are just shit, cause they would have satisfied themselves and then just dose off or would just leave you hanging dry. Ladies, that could just be a compliment in some way that you are hot, sexy and attractive, you are attentive and know how to arouse a man. Come on ladies, if he do not find you attractive and all, he would just have a dead meat hanging there and you would be drier than ever. (Unless you have some assistance from a toy hiding in your cabinet)

Guys on the other hand are at fault most of the time if your partner is not satisfied, the reason due to the lack of attention delivered to your female partner. From my understanding, women are creatures that love the build up of their climax(when they are lively and not tired from a days work). I could say, most women would love to find someone that could give them the most intense climax they could ever get, so with the build up you give and the last finale, it would be very satisfying for them to have achieve it. To them it would be like fulfilling a long term goal in 2 - 4 hours.

Your life and all could have sucks, but never let your relationship or sex, ruin your day. I truly believe that understanding the attentions needed during a session could tighten relationships, so please do pay attention to your partners needs before he/she get truly bored of you.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Peom 回文诗

"西想又東想 想東又想西"
"迷迷又糊糊 糊糊又迷迷"

If this peom is not created by anyone then i hope to claim it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Loving one self

What it takes to love one self?
Understand your desire and needs?
Giving yourself the best, with or without regards to anyone connected to you in your life?

I did mention before in one of my friend's query to what life is consider simple, and my answer would be a solitary life with no connection or commitment to what so ever, this should be the simplest life in the world.

In some point of view, my answer to loving one self the most is to live that simple life and give yourself the best that you have.

1:27 Singapore time

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Humans are visual creatures

Have anyone of you thought about this in your mind? Are humans visual creature? Could we live without eyeing anything beautiful or unique in sight?

From my understanding and gathering so far, majority of us humans are visual creatures, and we could not live without eyeing anything beautiful or unique in sight. This is something that all of us should know.

The next time you catch your partner eyeing someone in the vicinity, please do forgive your partner for doing it as it is part of human nature and curiosity to do it.