Friday, April 20, 2012

Right or Wrong?

Care to explain and share what the title says?

What is right and what is wrong? Who is it to say what is right or wrong?

If during World War II, the axis won the war, then right would be what Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito defines as right, isn't it?

After reading the above statement and thinking it through, what would your explanation be for right and wrong?

There is really no right and wrong in this world. Currently for most things, right and wrong are being determine by a majority of people who think that their ideas are right, so is those ideas really right and what is in the opposite is wrong?

If you think deeper, and look at the cycle of life, we are being lead by our moral to determine right and wrong and this moral is being built based on teachings by these majority of people, so are you morals, right or wrong?

Hahaha, you have to really search for the truth and find out the answer for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing either good or bad,
    but thinking makes it so.

    William Shakespeare, "Hamlet"
